Hi Family! Hi friends! Hi everyone who still reads these!
This week was SO STINKIN GOOD. We're in Harare right now for MLC. I swear I spend more time on the bus to and from Harare than I do in Kwekwe. But I picked up my new companion on Monday, Sister Ziqubu, and we hit the ground running! We are having such a good time together and have laughed more this week than anything hahaha. She's teaching me zulu and so all you hear in our house is click click clicks. We've had a mice/rat/every creeping thing ever infestation in our house this week. It's like the animals think we are The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints where visitors are welcome. But guess what? THAT'S NOT THE CASE! Soooo we have a dead rat in the house somewhere but don't know where...oops.
My companion and I have a motto of "work today, win tomorrow" and I don't know if I've ever worked so hard as we did this week. You know the shop til you drop? Nope, we worked til we dropped and it was amazing. We had back to back to back to back lessons every day and saw so many people. And you want to know what? WE HAD TWENTY INVESTIGATORS AT CHURCH! What the!! It was the greatest feeling in the world. NOTHING can ever replace hard work.
"Open your mouths and they shall be filled": This week we had the most incredible experience. We met this mama on the street and made a return appointment with her. When we went to teach her, her husband joined as well and they had both read the Restoration pamphlet. They are super involved in their church and so the lesson had the potential to be really bible-bashy. Those people asked more questions in one lesson than I've ever had in my entire life! The spirit in that lesson was incredible. They would ask these crazy questions and we knew exactly the scriptures to turn to. The spirit truly filled our mouths and at the end the baba said to us, "I have no doubt that what you're teaching me is true". Best restoration EVER!
Less-Actives: So I've been less-active with seeing less-actives, but Mbizo has resurrected me a little bit. There was this brother in our ward, Brother Ngirande, who was less-active when we came to Mbizo. We would see him after church after he didn't show up and say, "We didn't see you at church today!" and he would say, "well, sisters, it's because I'm less-active." Man. I have never met anyone who knew as much as he did that he was less-active. WELL, he's been coming to church for the past four months, and got called as a counselor in the bishopric this week! How stinkin cool!
One of our recent converts, Elsje, gave a talk in sacrament meeting this week about testimony. It was so touching and reminded me the importance of each of us having our own personal testimony. Elder Bednar taught us that the oil of conversion cannot be borrowed. As we share our testimonies, we strengthen our testimonies. So I challenge each of you to find a way to share your testimony this week to cheer someone up.
I love missionary work, I love Zimbabwe, I love the Book of Mormon. Have a great week!!
Love, Sister Richards
My posterity!! I trained Sister Park, Sister Park trained Sister Mzunga (right), and now Sister Mzunga is training Sister Clark!
my dearest companion, sister ziqubu
with Usher the G, who's getting baptized next week!
with my homies Ezra and Usher
have you ever tried teaching the Law of Chastity to a 9 year-old? Good luck.
my mirror cracked so these are the remnants on the wall
there was one day we were SO hungry and didn't have any money for lunch and were too far away to go back home, but then an investigator gave us sweet potatoes!! it was seriously an answer to prayer. mana from heaven!!!
usher drawing a car in the dirt
have you ever found out at 9:00 pm that the mission president is coming to interview you the next morning but your car is so stinkin dirty so you wake up at 6:00 in the morning to wash it while still in your pajamas? yep, same.
Edwin's family has a business of selling matemba (small fish) so we helped them pack for awhile one day.
Edwin's family has a business of selling matemba (small fish) so we helped them pack for awhile one day.
soooo I got out of the car to see that I was surrounded by wild dogs. And this is the pose you assume when you realize you are surrounded by wild dogs. Thank you to my companion for being the paparazzi, always ready.